MY SITE IS DOWN! (Or is it just you?)Occassionally, too many failed email or cPanel logins can...
AWstates explainedIf you're confused by what you see in awstats, I've run across an article that explains each...
Adding Google Conversion Code to checkout pageWhen you sign up for Google Ads or other order conversion tracking services, they may ask you to...
Adding a WordPress blog...
Can I add a Blogger blog to my website?If you already have a blogger account with an existing blog, (i.e. and...
Free Fonts
Google Sitemap Generator...
Google VerificationIn your Google Webmaster Tools account, download the .html file given to you to your computer....
How do I add a hit counter to my website?Personally, we do not recommend a counter for your website. Counters look unprofessional and...
How do I offer a mailing list or newsletter for my website?FREE OPTIONS:We highly recommend Your Mailing List Provider. They offer a free mailing list, and...
How to Clear your Browser CacheYour internet browser's cache stores certain information (snapshots) of webpages you visit on...
How to run a TracerouteTraceroute is an application that traces the path data takes from one computer to another....
Live Chat software...
Meta Title, Meta Keywords, and Meta DescriptionsThe title would be what you want the visitor to see in the browser bar. You do not need to enter...
PCI ComplianceYour customers information is never passed through your site directly. All of the data...
Unsolicited calls from third party "Ecommerce Positioning"Unsolicited calls from third party "Ecommerce Positioning". Recently it...
What fonts can I use for my website?Fonts Traditionally only "websafe" fonts could be used as searchable and editable text on...
Where can I access site visitor hits and stats?Awstats is our favorite program to access your visitor stats. You can access your awstats...
Where can I find Credit Card, Paypal, and Google Checkout logos to put on my site?Credit card logos: Paypal...
Will my site appear in Search Engines such as Google?While the Shoppe Pro cart is designed to be search engine friendly, search engines may not index...