If you canceled your hosting account, Shoppe Pro is no longer generating invoices to you. If you are still finding payments being deducted from your Paypal account (or credit card or bank accounts linked to your Paypal account), this is probably because you failed to cancel your Paypal Subscription through your Paypal account. Shoppe Pro cannot do this for you. As per our Terms of Service agreement, you are responsible for managing your own Paypal Subscription with Paypal. Refunds are not granted if you fail to cancel your own Paypal subscription. A Paypal subscription is simply an agreement ONLY between you and Paypal, that Paypal will send a specified dollar amount from your Paypal account to a certain email address on a certain schedule (monthly, yearly or otherwise). It doesn't involve Shoppe Pro billing at all.
If you have elected to utilize Paypal's Subscription option to pay your hosting fees, you are responsible for managing your own Paypal Subscription. Shoppe Pro does not manage or monitor Paypal Subscription activity and is not responsible for errors relating to Paypal Subscriptions.
MORE INFO: Taken from our Terms of Service agreement section 3(f) located here: http://www.shoppepro.com/tos.html
(f) Paypal Subscriptions. Shoppe Pro offers the option to use Paypal Subscriptions as a convenience to the Customer to set up convenient automatic payments. Paypal Subscriptions are an agreement ONLY between the Customer and Paypal and do not involve any agreements with Shoppe Pro. Paypal Subscriptions are 100% managed by the Customer and not by Shoppe Pro. Shoppe Pro cannot cancel any Paypal Subscriptions. Therefore, should the Customer cancel their service or switch payment methods to a different payment method such as direct credit card billing, the Customer is responsible for the cancellation of their own Paypal Subscription through their Paypal account. Shoppe Pro is not responsible for canceling ANY Paypal Subscriptions. In addition, the Customer agrees that Shoppe Pro will not be held liable for any fees incurred by any Paypal Subscription payments, erroneous or otherwise, such as Bank NSF fees, Over Limit fees, or other fees associated with payment methods linked with the Customer's Paypal account, and or any Paypal Subscription agreements between Paypal and the Customer.
How to Cancel your Paypal Subscription:
- Go to your Paypal account, and find the transaction where Paypal sent a payment to us.
- Click on the blue "Details" link.
- At the top you should see something about a Subscription Payment Transaction ID # and then "In reference to: S-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" (where the x's are is your Subscription number).
- You should click on the Subscription Number which should be blue and hyperlinked. This will take you to the subscription page.
- There will be a gray button at the bottom that says "Cancel Subscription".
- Click that button and Paypal will cancel your Paypal subscription.