1) Start by clicking the Tools link here. Then click Internet Options…
2) The Internet Mail Options window appears. The easiest way to setup a new email account, is to run the Setup Wizard….. let’s do that now.
3) Click Next.
4) Enter your new email address here. Then click Next.
Now you have to enter your Incoming (POP3) server name, which would have been provided to you in your welcome email. Typically, the Incoming POP3 server name is xxxxxx.shoppepro.com, where ‘xxxxxx’ must be replaced with your hostname (from your Welcome Email).
5) Enter your POP3 server setting now. Then click Next.
6) Now enter the email username….. this is the entire email address (you@yourdomain.com).
7) Then enter your email password here. Click Next.
8) Your username will be the full email address, NOT just the email prefix (username). Click OK.
9) Now you have to enter your Outgoing (SMTP) server name, which is typically the same as your Incoming (POP3) setting. We’ll just leave this as is, since it’s already been pre-selected to be the same as our POP3 setting. Click Next.
10) Choose how you will be connecting to the internet. Then click Next.
11) Click Finish to complete the Setup Wizard.
The email account has been setup….. but there’s one more step…..
12) Click the Sending (SMTP) tab.
13) Make sure the SMTP host we’re setting up is selected….. then click Edit.
14) Click the Security tab here.
15) Check this box here, so that using the SMTP port requires authentication.
SMTP authentication means that Pegasus will login to your mail server even when sending emails (not just receiving), ensuring that you are the only one that can send emails from your account. Most SMTP servers use the same username and password as the incoming (POP3) servers, so let’s select those settings. Please use port 587.
16) Highlight the POP3 definition we just created….. then click Select.
Our SMTP authentication setting has been set.
17) Click OK.
18) Click OK again.
That’s it! We’ve successfully setup an email account, and can now start sending and receiving emails to and from that account, from Pegasus.
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