The Shoppe Pro Site Builder cart is integrated with your Mal's Ecommerce account. We automatically create a free Mal's account for you when your account is set up. Mal's provides the e-commerce portion of the Shoppe Pro catalog by taking the customer from your website, to your payment gateway (Paypal, etc.), and then takes the customer back to your website. The payment methods the free version of Mal's supports are:
- PayPal Payments Standardvia:
- Credit or Debit Card - Yes, you can accept credit and debit cards. The customer DOES NOT have to have a Paypal account to use a credit card through Paypal. At the payment screen, the customer is given a choice to either 1) "continue" to enter a credit or debit card info, or 2) to log in to their paypal account to pay. (If the customer chooses #1 - the credit card entered must not be associated with any existing paypal account or it will not allow them to use that card.)
- A Paypal Account
- PayPal Express Checkout
- Amazon Simple Pay
- Skrill (Moneybookers)
- Nochex (UK)
- PayFast (S Africa)
- Paymate (Australia)
- PostFinance (Swiss)
- Manual card payments (you need your own offline merchant account for this option).
- Postal payments
- Money Orders
Premium Mal's ($8/mo - discounts provided with annual payments) supports many other methods:
- PayPal Payments Pro
- PayPal Payments Advanced
- PayPal PayFlow Links or Pro
- - AIM
- - SIM
- Barclaycard ePDQ
- BluePay
- Cardsave - UK
- Certitrade
- Clearcommerce (PayFuse)
- ChronoPay
- Ctel
- Cybersource
- Elavon VirtualMerchant Converge
- eWay
- First Data - Linkpoint API
- First Data Global Gateway e4
- Helcim
- Internetsecure
- Netbanx - UK
- Merchant
- Merchant Partners
- NMI gateway services
- Ogone
- PayJunction
- Payment Express
- PaymentSense
- PayPoint
- PayTrace
- PayU
- Payvector
- Payvision
- Planetauthorize
- PSiGate
- SagePay - USA
- SagePay - UK (Protx)
- Securepay
- Slim CD
- Stripe
- Total Web Solutions
- TransAction Central
- Trustcommerce
- USA Epay
- uSight
- Westpac
- Worldpay
- 2Checkout
as well as many others. Check Mals for the full list
We have teamed up with e-onlinedata to offer you a special offer on a real merchant account at a price you can afford including the gateway (requires premium Mal's account).
e-onlinedata = Processing for Thousands of Successful Merchants
- Accept ALL MAJOR Credit Cards on your Web site, Retail or eBay Store
- Funds deposited directly into your Personal or Business Checking Account
- Enjoy GROSS DAILY SETTLEMENT of your Visa/MasterCard sales*
- Internet accounts INCLUDE real time Payment Gateway & Virtual Terminal
- NEW FEATURE: QuickBooks Integration System INCLUDED!
o Allows you to download Settled Transaction Reports into QuickBooks - Apply for American Express & Discover right on the Application
- NO Application Fees
- NO Annual Fees
- NO Address Verification (AVS) Fees
- NO Leasing
- NO Termination Penalties
- NO Batch Header Fees
- 2.29% VISA/MasterCard Qualified Discount Rate
- $0.30 per Transaction
- $10.00 Monthly Service Fee (includes Monthly Statement)
- $25.00 Monthly Processing Minimum (explanation)
- Toll Free 24/7 Tech Support and daily Customer Service Support
One time set-up fee | Access fee per month |
Technology fee per transaction |
Gateway | Authorize.Net | $79.00 | $15.00 | $0.05 per transaction. |